Jun 4, 2024

Hello, everyone! My name is Lexie Marti, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to my Volkswagen blog. Here, I combine my passion for cars, history, and my love for writing, aiming to share engaging stories, insightful reviews, and a sprinkle of humor with fellow car enthusiasts.

A Little About Me

I’m 32 years old and currently living just outside of New Ulm, MN with my wonderful fiancé/partner in crime, Chris. Our home is a bustling haven, shared with our beloved cats, playful ferrets, and majestic horses. Every day is an adventure in our cozy corner of Minnesota!

My Journey

Interestingly, my professional journey began in a completely different field. I graduated from Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts with a specialization in Patisseries. For the past several years, I had the privilege of working for the Massad family, where I honed my skills in the delicate art of baking and pastry-making.

Hobbies and Passions

When I’m not diving into the world of Volkswagen, you’ll likely find Chris and I indulging in our shared hobbies. We love hiking, camping, kayaking, and off-roading—anything that gets us out into nature and our adrenaline pumping. Of course, baking remains a passion of mine, and I often find myself whipping up sweet treats for friends and family. Horseback riding is another cherished pastime, offering both relaxation and a deep connection with nature.

Writing and Beyond

Writing has always been a significant part of my life, whether it’s documenting our outdoor adventures, crafting intricate stories, or sharing my insights about Volkswagen vehicles. Currently, I’m also working on my own novel—a project that brings together my love for storytelling and creativity.

Connecting with You

Through this blog, I aim to expand people’s knowledge and perception of the Volkswagen brand, providing content that is both informative and entertaining. I believe that learning about cars should be fun and engaging, and I hope to bring that spirit to every post.

If you have any questions, want to share your own car stories, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out. You can contact me via email at lexie@mankatomotors.com or give me a call at (507) 344-6984.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s explore the world of Volkswagen together!

Warm regards,

Lexie Marti